Background of the Business Coaching Programme

The Uniting Church of Sweden (Equmeniakyrkan) has long cooperated with the Russian Church of Evangelical Christian Faith. Many congregations in Russia are focusing at helping drug addicts to become saved from drugs and rehabilitate them to a Christian life without drugs. Many start their own businesses to get an income. In 2010 the two churches started the joint Business Coaching Programme to help the new businessmen struggling with their companies. If they were successful, they could hire more former drug addicts. 

A three-year pilot project with Swedish businessmen as coaches started in the Urals followed by five other similar projects around Russia. Around ten Swedish business leaders have volunteered as coaches and recipients of study visits in Sweden. 

Torgny Veibäck and Bishop Andrei Kobolev has been responsible for the Business Coaching programme with help of the project manager Aleksandr Dorofeev in Russia and the Swedish missionaries for Russia Göran Holmberg and Bengt Åkesson. 

Focus of the program changed 2018 towards training Russian coaches in order to reach more entrepreneurs in Russia. A number of the seminars held during the years has been recorded for the Russian coaches to use. These have now been supplemented and systematized on this site for more people to benefit from.